ME Bench(Management Effectiveness Bench)


This assessment platform assists consultants and business executives to monitor the current status of the company, such as understanding employees’ perceptions of the organization, clarifying the key points of knowledge management and the extent of digital transformation of the industries, etc., so they can evaluate their own management advantages.

How to use the platform

The interface of this platform is in two categories: [Industries] and [Functions], very easy for executives to enter and give their responses. Executives who are not totally clear about their own problems can click the [Industries] button and start the assessment according to the company’s industry category. On the other hand, executives who are clear about their own problems can click on the [Functions] button to start assessment of company’s current problems.


The industries are divided into three categories: primary industries, secondary industries and tertiary industries.

For primary industries, assessments include “smart agriculture readiness assessment, knowledge management assessment, corporate innovation environment and culture assessment, business management assessment, innovation capability performance assessment,” etc. These help the primary industries to better understand how solid concept of manufacturing process can be introduced into agriculture. Assessments on secondary industries include “Productivity 4.0 readiness assessment, smart manufacturing/digital transformation readiness assessment of SMEs, knowledge management assessment, corporate innovation environment and culture assessment, business management assessment, innovation capability performance evaluation assessment”. These help the enterprises understand the level of intelligent development of the company and the standards to achieve for Industry 4.0. Assessments on tertiary industries include “knowledge management assessment, corporate innovation environment and culture assessment, business management assessment, innovation capability performance assessment,” etc. These help the service industries apply technologies of accurate prediction on consumer habit analysis and to enhance the corporate service capabilities. Whether this is used for self-assessment or assessment by the consultant, the enterprises are able to locate the defects and figure out appropriate solutions.


The functions are divided into six categories: business strategies, quality performance, digital capabilities, knowledge management, human capital, and innovative applications.

In the category of business strategies, there is the “Business Excellence Management Assessment”, which helps operators of various industries understand their own strengths and weaknesses on business management. There is the “TQM Again Assessment” in the quality performance category, which is based on the spirit of total quality management to measure the management level in the era of intelligence. There are three assessments in the digital capabilities category: “Productivity 4.0 readiness assessment”, “Smart Manufacturing/Digital Transformation readiness assessment for SMEs” and “Smart Agriculture readiness assessment.” They are meant to assist consultants or business executives to control the readiness and degree of smart manufacturing and digital transformation. There is the “Knowledge Management Assessment” in the knowledge management category, which enables companies to easily control their status of application, clarify the key points of knowledge management, and achieve successful promotion and diffusion. In the human capital category, there is the “Enterprise Innovation Environment and Cultural Assessment”, which allows companies to understand the employees’ perception of the organization, and use that as a reference for strategic planning or organizational change. In the innovation applications category, there is “Innovation Capability Performance Evaluation Assessment”, which assists consultants or business executives to have an overview of the company's growth blueprint, product development system, management and control, leadership, talent and culture and other innovative capabilities.

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